아프리카 최대의 관광교역전, “인다바 2018” 개최


(미디어원=강정호 기자) 아프리카 최대의 관광교역전이자 세계 3대 관광교역전으로 손꼽히는 인다바 2018(Indaba 2018)이 남아프리카 공화국의 더반에서 현지시간 9시15분, 남아공 관광장관 데렉 하넥콤(DEREK HANEKOM)의 타종과 함께 개최되었다.

행사가 개최되는 더반의 Inkosi Albert Luthuli 컨벤션 센터는 아프리카 22개국으로 부터 참가한 1060개의 상품공급자(Exhibitors)와 80여개국 1747명의 바이어, 주요 미디어 500여 곳과 전시 지원 인력들의 열기로 가득했다.

데렉 관광장관은 개최사를 통해 아프리카 관광 교역전에 참가한 모든 분들에게 환영의 뜻을 전했으며  ‘성장 잠재력에 크게 못 미치는 아프리카 관광산업의 현황에 비추어 볼 때 선구자적인 역할을 마다하지 않는 바이어와 상품공급자가 가까운 미래에 성공적인 결과로 보상받을 것임을 확신한다’고 밝혔다.

또한 ‘아프리카 각국을 대표하여 참가한 상품공급자들이 창출해 낼 수요의 증가는 관련 모든 나라의 관광경제력 확대의 동력이 될 것이 분명하다’고 말했다.

이어 데렉장관은 남아프리카 공화국의 라마 포사 (Ramaphosa) 대통령이 지난 2월 주요 관광 시장에서 목적지 마케팅에 대한 지원을 강화하며 규제 장벽을 줄이고 신흥 관광 사업을 개발하기위한 조치를 취할 것을 결정했다고 전했다.

1992년 첫 개최이래 27회에 이른 ‘인바다 2018’은 2018년 5월8일부터 5월10일까지 3일간 진행될 예정이다.


다음은 데렉 하네콤 장관 개최사 전문


Ministers of Tourism from our sister countries in Africa, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ms Elizabeth Thabethe Acting Premier eThekweni Deputy Mayor, Exhibitors, Buyers, members of the media, Guests and visitors,

Good morning to all of you.

This is not quite a stock exchange, but welcome to Africa’s tourism stock exchange.

We are about to ring the bell that signals the start of trading at Africa’s Travel Indaba, and what makes this significant is that it symbolises that our continent is open for tourism business.

Africa’s share of the global tourism pie has not yet reached its potential, so, buyers, you are ahead of the curve and I have no doubt that you will reap rich rewards from your buying decisions in the next days. And, sellers from all over the continent, we know that increased demand is the engine for growth of the tourism economy in our different countries.

President Ramaphosa identified tourism as one of three priority sectors stating in his first State of the Nation address in February, “we will enhance support for destination marketing in key tourism markets and take further measures to reduce regulatory barriers and develop emerging tourism businesses.”

Buyers, all 1747 of you from countries all over the world, while you are here you will experience the spirit and soul of Africa, the opportunity to immerse yourselves in the culture and traditions of no less than 22 exhibiting African countries. Sellers we are here to capture the interest of buyers with our unique products allowing tourism to double, treble and quadruple its contribution to economic growth and job creation.

African Travel Indaba is the result of collaboration between the bid parties, South African Tourism and the South African Government at all levels, and the owners and operators of attractions and facilities. All the hard work that everyone has put in behind the scenes for the past year, all the meetings and planning – it’s about to pay off.

Exhibitors, you are about to meet qualified buyers who are really interested in selling Africa.

Buyers, you have access to the biggest variety of products on the continent, from our hidden gems here in South Africa, to luxury experiences across Africa.

The media, as you portray the reality of Africa with all its challenges, include the story of how tourism is changing our continent and benefitting its people. Thank you for your invaluable contribution.

Visiting Ministers of Tourism on behalf of my South African colleagues, including Deputy Minister Thabete, MEC Zikalala and Executive Mayor Gumede, we are honoured to host you in our country, and we are proud of the exceptional variety of tourism experiences that our continent offers the world.

It gives me great pleasure to declare that the trade floor at Africa’s Travel Indaba is now officially open!

(Minister rings bell)

글 사진: 강정호 기자/ 더반 남아프리카 공화국